Sunday 8 October 2017

Evaluation - A Change of Hands

Evaluation Task - A Change of Hands
For our first induction task we were asked to create a short piece of footage in which an object changed hands. As a group, the three of us decided to make a short clip that shows two people meeting and exchanging a small black package. We used college as the main setting for our film as it was available to us at the time, although we did take a few of the shots on the field across from college to add some variety to our footage.
The biggest task was make sure that there were no mistakes in the continuity of the shots that we took. When filming we were very thorough  and kept that as the focus of our task, however this led us to have quite a weak narrative within our footage. If I were to film this again i would focus a lot more of my attention on the narrative of the clip so that it is both interesting and flows well when viewed by an audience.
The two biggest strength's of our work were the range of shot types we used alongside the camera movements and angles and how we kept the continuity flowing through the clips. After re-watching the footage however, I found that the continuity had been broken slightly between two of the clips as there was a change in the position of one of the characters arms. I also this that the music could have sounded less tragic and more tense as this would have fitted the clip better. Another change I would make, if editing this again is to not apply a black and white filter to our footage, the filter caused some of the shots to be either really over or under exposed to light. When filming we worked hard as a group to keep the shots well focused and to keep the exposure right so I think this ruined a few of the clips.

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