Wednesday 18 October 2017

Depicts video analysis

The Fat Cat by Mole Hill, UK
The fat cat is an animated video about a cat getting anything it wants. The video is narrated by a dull male voice. The voice tells the viewer that the fat cat is fed by us, on scraps and cash and IOU’s, the accompanying clip shows money dropping into the cats bowl as he eats. The next clip shows mice bringing the cat a fish and the cat eating it, then eating the mice. As this happens the narrator tells the viewers that the cat feeds on fear and greed but also people. This led me to believe that the video is meant to represent the government or the hierarchy of society. The cat is seen to become larger and larger, until he fills a city and towers above buildings, because he keeps getting what he wants from everyone.  I think this video shows how in today’s society, the rich are more powerful and as everyone else works, the rich get richer for being powerful. This video shows the unending cycle of  power being held by a feared ruler and everyone working to feed into hierarchy.
The film begins with a birds eye view of the cat laying on the floor, the next shot is a long shot of the cat walking along the screen towards his food bowl.a close up of the cats paw snatching the fish from the mice then pans upwards to a low angle shot of the cat eating the fish, however in this shot the cats legs appear to have sleeves, I think this connotes power and links to the powerful stereotype we see in society (suit and tie).

Ideas Are Illegal by Edward Bulmer
Ideas are Illegal is and animated short film about factory workers with light bulbs over their heads. All the light bulbs are dark until a spark forms in the protagonists bulb as they pull a lever. Each time they pull the lever the spark gets bigger and small pieces of ideas flood into the characters head, then the bulb lights up and all the other factory workers turn to look at the protagonist. Then a shot of a security camera abruptly turns  to look at the character. This shot is met by a match on action shot from the security cameras point of view, the protagonist looks shocked and frighted. The next shot appears to show a tense protagonist trying to escape, this attempt is met by a stop motion effect scene of a human hand chasing the character. In the end we see the protagonist unscrew the lightbulb and give up all knowledge, seemingly to lead the same life as everyone else. I think this mirrors societies standards today, how everyone is meant to act the same and how knowledge is frowned upon as it threatens power.

Sun by Paul Hill
Sun by Paul Hill is a 90 second animated video about the sun. The video begins with soft music and the moon and stars, suddenly the sun comes into the frames and knocks the moon out of the sky and out of frame. As this happens, bright orange sweeps in to the frame from every side and envelops the black of the night sky. The next shot is an establishing shot of the settings, in this case and empty desert. The sun has yellow light emanating from it and the screen goes black to show a lava like title for the clip. The title is effective because it appears to the audience like the letters are cut out of the background to reveal the original setting.
The next shot shows the sun moving quickly from one side of the frame to the other as if looking for someone. The shot then tracks left along the setting to some trees and abruptly stops. In this shot the sun turns slightly to face the trees and waves of light pulse over the trees, the trees then collapse onto the floor and the shot begins to move again in the same way stopping again at a small lake. This cycle continues and the sun destroys everything. The scene then comes to and extreme long shot of a person walking along the frame. The person turns to face the sun and then begins to run away from the waves of light. The sun chases the character until it comes to a tree and abruptly stops. At this point the sun is determined to catch the person and stops at nothing to catch them. The sun begins to set fire to the whole setting and completely destroys the world until it reaches darkness/night time when the moon takes over the screen again. For the majority of the video the visuals are accompanied by an upbeat soundtrack, however when the character begins to run the soundtrack changes and is at a much quicker pace. The calm music returns as night returns to the clip and the clip ends.
This video represents the dangers of the sun on the planet and on us as people. It is also quite fitting considering recent wildfires. I like this clip as it is very easy to make sense of and is creative and tell a story in a very short space of time.

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