Wednesday 4 October 2017

Evaluation - A Tense Meeting

Evaluation Task - A tense meeting (The Hershey Thief)

What went well with the the task?
A strength of this task was in the camera use, a majority of the shots are clearly in focus and we have used the shot types our group planned. As a group we decided on multiple shot types and angles, which worked to our advantage when editing as it made the final piece look professional and much more interesting.
Another strength of our piece was the continuity throughout the production, our shots flowed well from one to the next will smooth transitions.
Using a 50mm lens also helped in some shots as we were able to get a shallow depth of field in some of the shots, this works well to draw attention to specific items within the shot.

What didn't go well in the task?
A weakness of the task was the sound post production. We were unable to find pieces of music that flowed in a coherent way throughout our piece, this meant that some of the clip is silent and the sound doesn't portray the mood of the film as well as we would have liked.
A second weakness in our work was fixed post production in editing. Some of the shots, for example the close up of the Hershey bar hitting the floor weren't  framed to our liking, to fix this we cropped the size of the frame so the Hershey bar was central in the frame. 
To correct any mistake whilst filming we re-shot a few pieces of footage so that they were fully in focus and so that the exposure was correct.

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