Tuesday 15 January 2019

Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane is a black and white film, directed by Orson Welles and was released on the 24th January 1942.
The budget for the film was $839,727.
The film follows the life of Charles Foster Kane, after his death in his Xanadu estate. We see his life through a series of conversations with people who knew him in his lifetime, including his lifelong friend, Jedediah Leland and second wife, Susan Alexander Kane. Reporters for a paper are trying to piece Kane's life together through accounts of those around him, in hopes of discovering what his final word "Rosebud" meant. We see Kane's life from childhood, when his mother inherits a fortune and sends him away for a better life, to millionaire in his old age. We get to see how his happiness diminishes throughout the years as his fortune grows. Kane begins the story when he learns that he runs The Inquirer, a small newspaper that grows into country wide influence due to his role running it. He then marries Emily Monroe Norton Kane, and has a son, however his marriage falls apart when he runs for governor and is smeared in papers as being "found in love nest with singer". After his marriage ends he quickly marries Susan and works to make her an Opera star, even building her an Opera house. Susan hates the fame and singing and leaves Charles after trying to commit suicide. He smashes her belongings and then picks up a snowglobe and says the word rosebud.
The reporters search for the meaning but are unable to find out what rosebud means, however at the end of the film we see his belongings being burnt as junk. On top of the fire is his sledge from when he was a child, it has the word rosebud painted on it. This leads us to believe that rosebud relates to his childhood playing in the snow and living with his mother, as this is the last time he was happy.

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