Wednesday 10 January 2018

Story of film: An Odyssey (Cousins, 2011)

Birth of Cinema (1895-1920)

What is the episode about?

The film was about how film was created and became an art form from 1895 to 1920, it particularly focused on the equipment that was created, shot types that were becoming widely used and editing techniques that were created for different films and what they represented.

What did you learn from it?

I learnt that the Lumiere brothers were the first to come up with the projection technology in 1896, to show films to  audiences on large screens. I also learnt that for a start, France took film making much more seriously than the rest of the world and worked to create many films and techniques. 
By 1903, many of the key elements of film making, such as shots were developed. The close-up shot was first used when a film maker wanted to show a cat eating more closely, this didn't confuse the audience and became a whole new technique to show events more closely. Jump cuts and parallel editing also became widely used to show movement and multiple storylines.
Florence Lawrence, who starred in Life of an American Fireman because the first movie star and Hollywood started to mould the way films were made, including the star system and the importance of costumes. Hollywood added a sense of glamour to film making and became the centre of film making, this meant that filmmkers and actors moved from places like Sweden to Hollywood in order to make more films. After 1907, psychology became the main driving force in films and film viewing changed forever with the building of cinemas all over the world. In 1911 a studio in Australia made the first feature length film. Around this time the eyeliner match shot and 180° rule were developed.
By 1925, 50% of films were directed by women, the first female director being Alice Guy-Blaché and the first American Female director was Lois Weber. Another advancement in film came when D.W.Griffith came up with the idea of wind in the trees and making sets more realistic by having natural movement as settings previously had been very much staged. It also adds a sense of realism for the audience. 

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